Come to the Lighthouse

 I wrote a song recently called, "Come to the Lighthouse." It's beautiful, but still needs to be worked on so I'm not ready to share it just yet. The lighthouse has always been a beautiful thing to me! The waves crashing up against it mercilessly, and yet it still stands a beacon in the night. It's the greatest example for me of when Jesus told Peter, "On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). Think about that for a second. Lighthouses are built on rocks and no storms can prevail against them! Kind of sounds like a church right? Or better yet Jesus! Here's a sneak peak of the chorus, just so you can understand my point: 

Oh, come to the lighthouse that shines so bright 

Oh, come to the harbor, safe in the night 

Oh, come to the Father, His arms open wide 

Come now to Jesus and stay by his side. 

Can't wait to share the rest sometime (hopefully soon). 

Why can the lighthouse stand through perilous winds, waves, and massive storms? It has a strong foundation. It's built on solid rock, and so are we if our rock is Christ. Let's be honest here. We've all felt like that lighthouse, taking on massive storms, wondering when the next will be, or the one that will finally overtake us. Yet, because we have a secure foundation, it never does. Lighthouses were built to stand strong, to alert sailors of danger, to guide the way to harbor for those lost at sea. Lighthouses are meant to be a flicker or hope for those who can't seem to find their way. When life is crashing down on them, it stands as a beacon pointing the way to safety. 

This beautiful structure is my favorite thing to think about when I'm going through hard times. No matter what, storms can not overcome it and darkness cannot either. No matter how dark the night is, the lighthouse shines in the darkness. Even if it is a tiny speck of light, you can find safety in your spirit that you can see the light. This has been a trying amount of days, where stress has been high, and I haven't had a lot of time to sit and release it. So in a way, this is that for me. Also, talking to my cohort for my parent coaching program helped!

Since I wrote this song, I've been meaning to write about it's significance. I am trying to think of where I first saw the lighthouse in my visions, and I believe it was at church. I can usually see Jesus and I at my rock, but then all of a sudden we walked to a magnificent white lighthouse! It was perfect, on a strong rock foundation with a fence around it and waves crashing on it. I felt so safe there. I was with Jesus, not a care in the world (well, in Heaven, I guess). I felt like there's nothing that can hurt me here! Since then, I've seen and been to my lighthouse several times. 

One night at youth group, we were in prayer and I started to cry as I was praying. The lights were on in the room, but all of a sudden my vision turned to a very bright light, just shining on me. I could feel the warmth on my face and the light started to spin. It was my lighthouse! In my vision I stood there with Jesus, and then a little while later we stood there with my family!

 I was having a rough time at work and saw it again in my vision. Jesus, knowing how much I just needed a hug, just held me as I cried. He just kept telling me he knew what I was feeling, thinking, and needing. He's so good to me!  

So what do lighthouses have to do with parenting you may ask? My coaching practice is called Come to the Lighthouse! There is a moment that happens in every parent's journey where a thought that permeated their mind doesn't anymore. They have what we call an aha moment an epiphany, revelation, download whatever term you would like to use. For my practice I am using a "lighthouse moment". This is what I am looking for in my clients! That moment where they see the light! The reality that they understand what is happening for themselves and their children. When we come here, the real transformation can begin. I want to be the beacon God uses to point parents out of destructive parenting patterns. I desire every family to be the best they can be and live through their trials. I sincerely am working to provide families with hope that there is a better way. Let me be the building while Jesus is the light. As my clever 7 year old said to me when I was explaining this concept to him. So parents let me ask you are you ready to see the light?  

Tina Martina Putney 
